To avoid seeing the same ads, loosen your filters and change up the ad creation date often! If you’re too specific with filters, you might get very few results and see the same ads repeatedly. Play around with different filters and dates to keep getting fresh ads!
We would like to remind you that we have every Tiktok ad, this means that if you can't find new ads, it is a filtering issue. Try to understand and play around with the filters more.
The reason you keep seeing the same ads will be because your filters are either too much, or you have to change up the sorting or the ad creation date. The default sorting is "found at," which means ads that were found the latest will be on the top. If you combine that with a lot of filters, you might keep seeing the same ads the whole time. You can also click the "x" on the sorting and get completely random sorting. Then, you can adjust the ads you see the way you like with the ad creation date and the last seen filter.
Never try filters that are too tight, e.g. a niche filter + 5000+ ad spend, narrowing down by country, and then also an ad creation date might bring you little results, which may lead to seeing the same ads for these filters. Instead, you should either play around with the filters (try different ad spend, dates, or countries) or use very loose filters like only ad spend and perhaps website.
We do not recommend filtering by adset amount or "scaling," as those filters will have you miss lots of ads. Scaling means that they are increasing the adset amount, but many people don't scale that way. So try not to use those filters.
You should try different ad creation dates, different last seen dates, different sorting, and perhaps different product creation dates.
You can hover over any filter or any metric in the ad, and it will tell you what it means. Please use that! Thanks for understanding!
Ne cherchez plus si vous avez besoin de supprimer les filigranes du TikTok Creative Center.
Trouvez des publicités qui ont fait leurs preuves, reproduisez leur style et faites des gagnants.
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"J'aime la possibilité de voir quelles publicités sont diffusées et de voir les revenus qu'elles ont générés. Il est trop facile de trouver de bons produits. produits est trop facile.
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"L'analyse des tendances m'a permis d'identifier les produits gagnants avant qu'ils n'atteignent leur apogée. À elle seule, cette fonction a payé l'abonnement l'abonnement plusieurs fois".
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